
وب شخصی


وب شخصی

La Strada

پنجشنبه, ۲۲ دی ۱۳۹۰، ۰۴:۱۹ ق.ظ


La Strada

  • موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰
  • پنجشنبه, ۲۲ دی ۱۳۹۰، ۰۴:۱۹ ق.ظ
  • بهنام رضایی زاده

نظرات  (۳)

  • سارا پورحسنی
  • Sad story of a waif, Gelsomina, who is sold by her mother to Zampano for 10,000 lire and a few kilos of food. Zampano is a traveling showman who exhibits feats of strength by breaking a chain wrapped around his chest. He performs in village squares and then passes the hat for whatever the normally small crowd is prepared to give. He teaches Gelsomina a drum roll as part of his introduction. He doesn't treat her well and when she tries to run away, he beats her. They eventually join a small traveling circus where they meet Il Matto but a disagreement leads to tragedy. Zampano eventually abandons the girl and it's only many years later that he learns of her fate
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